More Than Just Another Salon

Self Care Meditation

Why Regular Self Care is Vital

Whether you’re single juggling a demanding career, a parent balancing home-kid-work life, or just a human existing on this planet, you experience stress, expectation, and incoming information to process a fast-paced world. We do not allow much down time for ourselves, or if we do it often comes along with guilt. Put your self-care on the back burner and eventually you will break, burn out and eventually it will affect your physical and mental health. Not caring for ourselves slows the regeneration and restoration of our bodies and pretty soon we will be running on empty.

So What is Self Care?

Self-care is something that feeds your soul and does not take but gives energy and rest to your enjoy self. It is what will help you maintain balance in your life if you practice it on a regular basis instead of waiting until your lack of self-care overtakes your system.

SELFCARE > Supports Performance – it restores you so that you can perform at your potential and serve others in your family and your profession.
SELFCARE > Affects Overall Well Being – by giving your ‘self’ what it needs you will see your physical, mental, and emotional improve with consistent care for self.
SELFCARE > Boosts Esteem and Confidence – when we care for ourselves, we value ourselves and we increase our self-respect and thereby confidence.
SELFCARE > Makes Resilience a Reality – when we care for ourselves and deal with what we may be avoiding we are increasing our resilience in facing uncomfortable situations or difficulties in life.
SELFCARE > Energizes – it is an obvious outcome when selfcare is all about resting, rejuvenation, and accepting that we would experience rest and in turn more energy.

A self-care activity might also change from day to day depending on your needs. Here are great ways to practice self-care:

  • Go on a hike to connect with nature
  • Luxurious bath
  • Practice yoga, meditation, or Thai chi
  • Enjoy a hammock or casual swing at an empty playground
  • Journal writing
  • Lay down and listen to music
  • Release stress with a workout
  • Try a new creative outlet, drawing, painting or craft making
  • Read a book in a quiet place
  • Take a day trip on your own or with others
  • Practice gratitude